Hello all! I am once again starting a new blog. I have had many numerous blogs with good intentions, but no follow through. I think that my new blog name describes me perfectly and I feel right at home blogging about whatever random thing I want to blog about here.
So lately I've been really really really into nail blogs. It was so fun to find out that some of my facebook friends are also into nail blogs. My facebook friend whom I met while doing our reserve stint in the Marines,
My Pretty Paints, has a really awesome nail blog and it was through her blog that I found out about
Influenster is a website that sends social networkers (people with a facebook, twitter, youtube, etc) a box full of products to try and tell all their social network friends. I signed up as soon as I saw her blog post about it. You can see it
here. She has a great explanation.
Anyways it took me a while, but I finally was eligible for a Vox Box and they sent me a Cosmo Vox box. I was so stinking excited to get this! Here is a everything that came in my box.
I got a Gillette Venus Embrace Razor and a Venus and Olay refill. Something that I absolutely did not know about this type of razor is that even though Gillette makes a ton of different razors all Venus brand razors will fit all Venus razor handles. This is pretty cool info.

Okay I have to be honest here. I don't use razors to shave my legs. I hate how razors give me ingrown hairs and I don't know why but it is such a hassle for me to keep a razor. I've only recently started to consistently shave my legs (I know I know gross). And I don't use razors, I use my electric shaver. I love that thing to bits. But every once in a while when I want silky smooth legs I will use a razor. I tried both blades out. I actually really loved the Venus and Olay razor. As you may know already I'm super lazy and the thought of having to use shaving cream and a razor just tires me. With the Venus and Olay razor the conditioning strip is so thick and massive I feel in my head that I don't need shaving cream! Woo hoo! Win!!! I don't think that is the purpose, but it is what I feel. So while I don't use razors often I will definitely keep my handle and just pick out any new razor blades in the future when I want my silky smooth legs!

Next was the chocolate, Ghiradelli Sea Salt Escape. Now you know that I attacked that first. My picture is actually of the empty box. I loved this. The sea salt was not overwhelming at all, actually it was a little underwhelming, I could have used a touch more salt. And paired with Ghiradelli milk chocolate? What could be better? It was a win!
Then I got two Pilot FriXion pens, one in red and one in black. I think these items baffled me the most. I had no idea why I would care about pens. I actually did not like the pens. They weren't pigmented enough for me. But after I lost the pens I realized why they weren't pigmented and now I want to find them so badly. They are erasable pens! (But there is no eraser included so why would I think that?) And they erase just by using FriXion! Oh man, now these pens seems so cool. I guess I need to thoroughly read my info card next time. Doh!
Here are some doodles. Don't mind my misspelling of doodle. Sigh...
Last but not least I got a small Forever Red perfume from Bath and Body Works. I tend to like light and floral scents. So this was not a scent I gravitate too, but it wasn't bad. I don't even know how to describe this sort of scent. But the bottle looks very sexy and that is exactly how it smells. I love that it is a good sized bottle, and I will keep it in my perfume collection to wear when I wanna feel sexy. ;)
Well, that is all for my first post dedicated to
Influenster! I hope I have more posts soon to come!